Kisan Feeds

"One stop solution for all your software needs"
Information Technology
Pune, India
January 2022 to December 2022
Technology Stack

About the project
Getting products and product information digitally with a seamless user experience. The project started with designing wire framing and upgrading the wire frames to high fid design. Keeping the end user and our clients dynamic needs in mind. This project has been deployed on Vercel with and implemented with Next.js for development and Sanity for content management.

Keeping track of marketing team KPI's
Tying technology to the existing Operations
Understanding the existing Customer
What events lead to new customers acquisitions
How we solved it?
Design and development of the aopment of the app that address the above questions. Tracking on foot sales team to fetch their travel time. Building an ecosystem to collect consumer data, hence lowering marketing cost.
